Meet Coach Tyler: The Fitness Fanatic with a Passion for Progress

Meet Coach Tyler

June 24, 20242 min read

Meet Coach Tyler: The Fitness Fanatic with a Passion for Progress

Personal Background

Q: Can you tell us a little about your background and how you got into coaching?
I got into coaching because of my passion for sports and lifting. I've been in the fitness field for the last two years. I have an associate degree in health and exercise science and am a certified personal trainer through ACSM. I've also been lifting for six years and have played just about every sport.

Q: What inspired you to pursue a career in health and fitness?
The ability to make a difference in people's lives and to have that as my career.

Coaching Philosophy

Q: What is your coaching philosophy or approach to fitness?
Show up, work hard, and be consistent.

Q: How do you tailor your coaching to meet individual client needs?
I look at where the client is and where they want to be, then I create the best realistic program tailored to them.

Personal Insights

Q: What's your favorite workout or exercise and why?
The Snatch is my personal favorite lift because of the challenge and the fun I get out of increasing the weight I can complete.

Q: Can you share a memorable success story from your coaching career?
Anytime a client tells me about a new PR or how they have lost weight and feel better, it truly makes my day.

Fun Facts

Q: What's a fun fact about you that most people wouldn’t know?
I am a certified advanced scuba diver.

Q: What are your hobbies or interests outside of fitness?
Traveling and cooking.

Quick Tips

Q: What's your top tip for someone just starting their fitness journey?
Start small and set achievable goals.

Q: How do you stay motivated and help your clients stay motivated?
By setting achievable goals and understanding that good is better than perfect.


Q: How can clients get in touch with you for coaching or support?
Clients can get in touch with me anytime through the app.

Join us in welcoming Tyler to The X family! His enthusiasm, expertise, and commitment to helping clients reach their goals make him an invaluable part of our team. Whether you're just starting out or looking to hit a new PR, Tyler is here to guide and support you every step of the way.


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