Meet Coach Hamza

Meet Coach Hamza

June 17, 20243 min read

Meet Coach Hamza: The Precision Maestro of The X

Personal Background

Q: Can you tell us a little about your background and how you got into coaching?
I got into coaching because I had a lack of it. As a track and field athlete without an official coach, I had to coach myself. Through this journey, I fell in love with the idea of possessing the knowledge to help others. Coaching became my way of sharing that knowledge and making a difference.

Q: What inspired you to pursue a career in health and fitness?
Knowledge. I always wanted to understand the "why's." Why does my body do what it does? Why is exercise so important? Why eat a certain way? This curiosity drove me to pursue a career where I could explore these questions and help others understand them too.

Coaching Philosophy

Q: What is your coaching philosophy or approach to fitness?
Make it fun. Remember when we were kids and 10 more minutes outside felt like 10 seconds because we were having fun? I bring that same energy into the gym. Talking, laughing, joking, but still getting the work done is my philosophy. Fitness should be enjoyable and engaging.

Q: How do you tailor your coaching to meet individual client needs?
Communication is key. I like to check in with clients to see where their heads are at, what they want, and what they don’t. Understanding their goals and preferences allows me to create a personalized and effective fitness plan.

Personal Insights

Q: What's your favorite workout or exercise and why?
Right now, my favorite exercise is the Smith machine rear foot elevated split squat. It translates very well to athletics and is great for building strong legs.

Q: Can you share a memorable success story from your coaching career?
One client came in one day with a loose shirt and had to wear a belt to keep his pants from falling. He had lost 20 pounds in just four weeks! Seeing such a transformation is incredibly rewarding.

Fun Facts

Q: What's a fun fact about you that most people wouldn’t know?
I have never had a professional haircut. My father used to cut my hair, and now I do it myself. Why waste money on haircuts, right?

Q: What are your hobbies or interests outside of fitness?
I enjoy any sport, sprinting, hiking, and being in nature in general.

Quick Tips

Q: What's your top tip for someone just starting their fitness journey?
“Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Anything worthwhile will take time to build. Fall in love with the journey and see how fast your goals reach you.

Q: How do you stay motivated and help your clients stay motivated?
Look back and see how far you've come. Any win is still a win. Just getting up and doing it is a win. You are a WINNER.


Q: How can clients get in touch with you for coaching or support?
Clients can get in touch with me through The X Project app where all my information is available.

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