Meet Coach Taylor!

Meet Coach Taylor!

June 10, 20242 min read

Meet Coach Taylor: The X's Expert in Helping You Reach Your Fitness Goals


Meet Taylor, one of the dedicated and passionate coaches at The X. With over five years of experience in the fitness industry and a CSCS certification, Taylor has been instrumental in guiding clients towards achieving their fitness goals. His approach is all about identifying areas for improvement and creating tailored plans that make sense for each individual.

Personal Background

Q: Can you tell us a little about your background and how you got into coaching?
I got into coaching to help others reach their potential. Seeing people transform and achieve their goals is incredibly rewarding for me.

Q: What inspired you to pursue a career in health and fitness?
I've been inspired by other coaches who have helped me develop over my lifetime. A great coach can have a lifelong impression, and I wanted to be that positive influence for others.

Coaching Philosophy

Q: What is your coaching philosophy or approach to fitness?
I believe in directly addressing glaring areas that need improvement. By focusing on these areas, we can further enhance the strengths our clients already have.

Q: How do you tailor your coaching to meet individual client needs?
I let the client pick as many or as few details as they want, and then it's up to me to make it make sense within their fitness journey.

Personal Insights

Q: What's your favorite workout or exercise and why?
Front squats are my favorite. They address so many key areas and are one of the more challenging movements to master, which makes them incredibly rewarding.

Q: Can you share a memorable success story from your coaching career?
Every time I get someone excited and motivated to improve themselves, it's a memorable success. Each client's journey is unique and inspiring.

Fun Facts

Q: What's a fun fact about you that most people wouldn’t know?
I had a buzz cut for all years until college!

Q: What are your hobbies or interests outside of fitness?
I enjoy golf, music, and being outdoors.

Quick Tips

Q: What's your top tip for someone just starting their fitness journey?
Consistency is key. Get on the hamster wheel and don't get off of it. Keep moving forward, no matter what.

Q: How do you stay motivated and help your clients stay motivated?
Remember your "why." Understanding your reasons for living, being, and caring for others can keep you grounded and motivated.


Q: How can clients get in touch with you for coaching or support?
Clients can get in touch with me through the app for any coaching or support needs.

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